NALS Conference


As some of you may know, the backbone of the Rentview team are currently over in London to attend the Annual NALS Conference where they are exhibiting our letting agency software to the masses.  The conference is one of the most popular of its kind and our own Andreas has been live tweeting some great nuggets of information throughout the day. So here are the best bits coming from the Annual NALS conference:

  • As expected the Rental sector is set to continue its growth as the new generation cannot afford to become first time buyers in the market
  • The average age of first time buyers in London is four more years (36<40) than that of the rest of the UK
  • What are the leading traits of successful and competent agents in the UK? Highly responsive, customer-focused and ethical
  • Green deal is set to keep utility costs lower for tenants and agents
  • The private rented sector is a whopping 16.5% of housing stock and this is an 84% increase compared to the same time in 2001
  • Students in the UK are being severely affected becoming first time buyers going forward due to the national student debt
  • What’s the one area in the mortgage market that’s growing? Buy-to-let properties, due the growth in the rental sector across the UK
  • Apparently 30% of peoples take home pay is going on rent! And almost 70% of London’s renters expect a rise in rent next year!
  • Increase the marketability of your property through using an interior photo as the cover photo rather than an outside one.

If you are based in the UK what are your thoughts on all this relevant information and if you are an Irish based agency do you see the same happening here? Let us know through our Facebook and or the Twitter page, we appreciate the comments!

by Rentview

Letting agent services

Letting agency Business Model

Starting a Letting Agency – Letting agency business strategy

So you’re thinking about starting a Letting Agency?

Back again with another business blog, and today I am going to recall some of my global strategic management knowledge to help break down the different letting agent strategies. Starting a Letting Agency involves a good bit planning and strategy. If you know anything of  business strategies, you will have heard of Michael Porter, a leading opinion leader on business strategy and lecturer at the professor at  Harvard Business school.

Image: Michel Porter’s Generic Strategies for Letting Agents


A popular approach that he believes for any company to take is the generic focus strategy. And what this means is you are either going to try and be the best on the market or you are going to try to be the cheapest (See Image above). On both occasions you are looking to work towards one thing, a competitive advantage in the industry, for the purpose of this blog we are going to discuss the lettings and management industry.

So what I decided to do to show you a quick example of two different letting agents with two opposite strategies is jump on Google and see whats on offer with agents in Ireland. Within a few minutes, I stumbled upon two agents advertising with VERY different approaches, one taking the low-cost strategy and one offering a premium and differentiated service to landlords for lettings.

Agency 1 – Mannix Ryan Estate Agents 


Letting agency Strategy Case Study 1

This agency stuck out to me in particular because of their claim to be the only agency doing what they do. This is a clear attempt at gaining a competitive advantage due to their superiority and different offering, compared to every other agent in Ireland. Even comparing their website and the social media tags below the text to others, I have seen that it is clear that this service is based around quality and not price, in fact there is no mention of how much it costs. So the value proposition to the landlord is on innovation through the use of video. Now we look at another agent offering the same service but differently.

Letting agency strategy Case Study 2  


Now we look at the low-cost letting agent. As you can see from this advertisement, that I came across on , everything about the company and the brand screams low-cost. This is in stark contrast to above where the product offering was describing in detail the excellent service and differentiated marketing ability they offer. A great example of one the biggest companies in the world who has gained and sustained a competitive advantage in their market, based around choosing a focus strategy on costs is Ryanair. On the flip side, a company who has developed a sustainable competitive advantage based on differentiation and innovation/quality is Apple, who charge big bucks for their products.

So there you have some basic business strategy examples for starting a letting agency.  I guess I wanted to find out what agents are doing at the moment and how effective are they finding their business strategy in terms of increasing their landlords, tenants, properties and revenues. Is one strategy better in the other, can we find a balance between the two?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, or if you have any questions, do get in touch!

by Rentview

The following may be of interest:

Letting agent marketing strategy

Why use Youtube for marketing

Rent management software

Starting a Letting agency: Letting Agents and Under-used Marketing Tools


Starting a Letting Agency – marketing tools

After the success of last month’s blog on internet marketing tips for estate and letting agents I thought it would be a great idea to try a little something different this week. A more subtle and extremely under-used form of marketing is the utilisation of your customers for word of mouth promotion, in this case it’s the tenants and landlords. Word of mouth marketing has been defined as ‘a face to face conversation between consumers about a product or service experience’. From my research into the area it can also be defined from the agency’s point of view as the ‘Intentional influencing of consumer to consumer communications by professional marketing techniques.‘ Okay, so we know exactly what the term means know from two perspectives, let’s discuss three ways in which to implement some word of mouth marketing techniques.

#1 Utilise what you have first 

Stop worrying about all the different ways to market your services to new landlords and tenants. Obviously the more traditional mediums are still of use but it is the dawn of a new era, so agencies need to start thinking outside of the box. In fact, launching new campaigns, which I will mention below, can have a double effect as you start to build relationships with your current clientele while developing the potential to spread your agency via positive peer to peer communication. Check out the video below from a previous blog on Rentview, where I touch on word of mouth potential with tenants at the end.

#2 Stop shouting, start listening 

I often see large banner ads placed along major property websites with prices listed for management fees to landlords. Nothing wrong with this obviously, for an integrated marketing communications plan you need to have 360 degree branding (hitting the target market with your message at as many points of contact as possible). However, what is the most trusted influence on a landlord in my opinion? I would say their fellow property owners and what they have to say about a service they have experienced.

#3 Rewards and relationships 

Your tenants are handing over a lot of money – hundreds and often thousands per month for the lovely property you have given them. Obviously that’s the deal in place, but in the long run you want them to continue their stay for many years to come. That means, in my opinion, that you need to stay in touch and build and maintain that relationship with your database. What about creating a monthly newsletter with some property tips from your agency team? What about a monthly competition where you invest 300e of current marketing spend into a nice gift like a smart phone to raffle via your social media pages? These are just a couple of quick ideas on how to relationship build for the future. 

That’s my top three tips, I hope they were of some help to any agents reading and please give us your feedback and thoughts by heading over to the Facebook or the Twitter pages. I leave you with some happy customers!

by Rentview


Product Update: New Landlord Accounts Page Coming Soon

So today in the office we are testing some new developments with the software set to roll out in the near future. I am going to briefly explain the first set of work which has been done and show you some sneak previews of what agency accounts are set to look like soon. If you look at the image below you can see a new button known as “landlord accounts” has been added to the system. This feature update was developed due to new legislation laid out by the N.P.S.R.A (National Property Services Regulatory Authority) requiring increased regulation of monies collected and paid out to landlord clients. 


The new feature will allow agents to eliminate any errors made when taking in rental payments, adding the necessary deductions and forwarding payments to their landlords. Once a rent has been marked as paid, the landlord’s accounts page will automatically be updated to remind you of the money to then be paid/transferred to their account. For example look at the rent due below of €1400 on a property, normally this will be marked as paid and then I need to remember to forward on moneys owed to the landlord.


With the new feature (see the image below) the system automatically updates the landlord’s accounts page reminding you of the outgoing payment that is due to your landlord and ensuring the entire process is managed efficiently with NO mistakes.


Hope you look forward to the roll out of these new accounting features as we do and as always if you haven’t liked the Facebook page, do it now 🙂 and follow us on Twitter for more blogs and other great content. Thanks guys!

by Rentview

Landlord Management Software

Rentview Featured on


OK so a little late sharing this with you, had this in drafts to go be published Friday but Rentview was featured on major Tech news site  last week. The Irish website featured an article on the new Rentview Tenant Profile service we offer to tenants. The full article including quotes from Rentview co-founder Colin Napper is below, please share this with your friends to help us out:

Irish online rent and property management start-up Rentview has just soft launched a new service for renters so they can build up a a free online tenant profile for landlords and agents.

Rentview itself was co-founded in 2010 as a rent and property management cloud-based platform for estate and letting agencies. The site’s co-founders are Andreas Riha and Colin Napper, both previous owners of a letting agency in Dublin. 

Napper said they soft launched the servicethis week to tie in with students looking for properties, as the new college year kicks off.


“The purpose is to allow people to build a profile, upload references and share them with landlords and agents to get rentals more quickly.”

He said the service also includes an inventory app that works on the iPhone and will shortly be working on Android devices.

“The inventory app will allow people to document the condition of a rental property once they have received the rental offer from an agency. This means they can protect their deposit.”

Napper said that via this app people can log photos and they can also speak into their phone to dictate their voice notes and create a report on what the property looked like when they moved in. “They can print that report off and get it signed by the landlord. Then, when they are moving out tenants can do a moving out report.”

He said tenants can make their overall profile private and allow agents and landlords to access it by sharing their URL and a unique password.

According to Napper, rentals in Ireland are up 47pc since 2007, meaning there is strong competition for the right property.

He said the aim is to launch the tenant profile service in other markets over the coming months.

Click the share buttons above the article to help us raise awareness of this super new service for tenants. Thanks guys and this week we are looking to push out some interesting and helpful content to the property community, Cormac.

Transforming agencies-the evolution of Rentview Software Part 1.

Hi guys and welcome to this short blog with a reminder of some of the great new services we are now offering agencies since our official launch in March of this year. Originally a platform designed to manage rental payments for agencies we have grown and adapted our services in accordance with the market and are customers. So I want to briefly mention three of my favorite new services today and link you to some more information so you can see what we have been doing.

#1 Agency Marketing and offering a White label service: One of the main areas of feedback we received from our customer in their early stages of use was the concerns about losing their branding and possible confusion of their clients when using the property management software. Watch the video here where Rentview co-founder Andreas Riha takes you through the new branding features. 

#2 Automatic Lease Generation: Another area in which our growing customer base expressed a need for was the automation of the lease for a tenancy. Rentview went straight to work on this new feature and it is now available across all pricing platforms. When you start a lease the software will automatically input the tenants details while allowing you to include any of your own special conditions. Allowing your tenant to view before signing saves you time – for more click here and you can see how it all works.

#3 Partial Payments: Lastlywe have the new ability to manage part payments of rents due. A big issue many of our clients faced was tenants not lodging the full amounts owed into their accounts. Rentview can now allow you to edit amounts received and generate the remainder as still owed on your statements page. For an example of how this all works you can head over to our vimeo account here

Thats it for today please click the ‘like’ to share onto your social networks and drop a comment with your feedback , thanks guys. Cormac 

Rentview Launches new Free service for Tenants

The team have been hard at work lately preparing for the launch of a new free service to tenants. The new service was designed to help a tenant through the letting cycle by:

  1. Aiding them in securing a property and becoming more marketable. 
  2. Help with the moving in process and management of Utilities.
  3. Help them protect their deposit and the landlords assets through Inventories
  4. Act as a payment reference for future properties or loan requirements

All great services to offer to people currently renting property throughout Ireland and abroad.Take a look at the homepage below for a better idea of the service: 


As mentioned in point one above the online service aids a tenant in securing the desired property of their choice. Once a tenant joins they can start building their profile. This can include uploading a profile image and a short description of who you are and your requirement. You can also begin to upload some previous landlord references, a work or college reference , guarantors reference etc. All of this important information is now stored in one secure place and ready to be shared with the landlord or letting agent of a property you wish to rent. This saves you time and money in organising your references and also improves your chances of securing a property which may be in high demand. Here is a quick video describing how to get started with your account: 

I will be continuing this blog series over on the new tenant blog at along with the student renting series. Look out for some more great content on this blog as we look to continue the online marketing series and up the humorous content too! Thanks for listening guys, follow me at @Rentview_ and the new @Rentview_Tenant profile and don’t forget to like us on Facebook here  and here.

by Rentview

Why landlords should choose a letting & management agent

Property Management & Lettings Special- Article taken from 

The rental market in Ireland is proving itself to be one that is the antithesis of boom/bust scenario that we have witnessed in the property sales market of the 1990s/2000s. Instead, it’s a market that has been built up solidly and that is continuing to grow but at a modest rate and without any spikes or troughs in values. 

One agent with over 20 years of experience in the Cork city market puts it thus: “We’re finding that there’s good demand for rental properties, particularly for good-quality property. I don’t know if rental values are on the up; they’re remaining steady in an environment of rising demand.”

“The investor is definitely back in the market, we’re noticing,” says another Cork city agent, who says that yields of between 9% and 16% are too good for those who have money to invest to simply ignore.

An entirely new beast

The property market in Munster and elsewhere is simply not the same as it was and today’s average young working adult is living in a world where a stable rental agreement is something that is important, desirable and perfectly normal.

“Back 15-20 years ago, when couples were settling down in their mid-to-late twenties, they were nearly always looking with the option of buying. The idea of renting was something that was not really encountered by people who were out of their student years and out of their initial years of finding their feet in a job.

“The profile of tenants has completely changed. Many would be renting for five years or more before considering buying and many might be married with children.”

Put another way, there has never been a time like the present one to be in the rental market. It’s a market that’s showing a combination of stability and growth that’s hard to find elsewhere.

Today’s tenant is someone interested in a solid long-term relationship with his/her landlord and who expects a good standard of property in move-in condition. Demand is strong for convenient small apartments in central urban areas but the sort of property that is in even more demand is the three and four-bedroom semi-detached houses, which are getting between €800 and €900 per month in Cork and urban areas.

Taking the stress out

In any financial and legal transaction between two parties, it is desirable to have a middle man. Obligations have to be fulfilled and everything needs to be done according to the letter of the law.

And the law is becoming more complicated and involved all the time. In the case of tenancy agreements, there’s a whole raft of elements that simply weren’t there ten years ago, with more coming down the track. There’s the job of ensuring that the property is listed with the PRTB (Private Residential Tenancies Board) for a start. That’s an important one quite apart from the legal requirement, because the board can also act as intermediaries should any dispute arise. When you’re in a well-organised process such as this, there aren’t normally many problems, but the course of life and that of business never runs smoothly and it’s usually a case of the little things accumulating that can add to the burden of the landlord. There’s the BER (Building Energy Rating) certificate – something that can’t be forgotten. The BER system may have come in for criticism in some circles, but it’s generally accepted at this point as an attempt to ensure good energy standards and transparency. Moreover, it’s a legal requirement and another box amongst a growing list of boxes to be ticked.

Rental agents are happy to tick those boxes. That whole side of the business and how it has evolved is something that comes as second nature to them. They are the ones who are up to date with issues such as the property tax and other obligations that are yet to come.

“Today’s tenants do expect fittings and white goods to be included and all in good working order too,” says one agent involved in both rental management and property sales, underlining the importance of the agent in a well-regulated world where the obligations on the landlord are increasing.

The rental agent, on the other hand, is a professional in the business and all of the above are part and parcel of his/her daily professional routine. By using an agent, therefore, you reduce your own stress levels as well as those of everyone else involved; a win-win situation all round.

Access to a rich seam

The other great advantage of using a letting agent for anyone landlord or potential landlord is the access it gives you to a bank of clients.

For someone looking to find their market of potential tenants, there is simply no better way of getting immediate access to such a considerable chunk of that specific target market.

By engaging a letting agent, the market is brought to you on a plate. The Powell agency in Cork city, for example, has a bank of clients/tenants that’s somewhere in the region of 1,500 – a figure that would not be uncommon. It’s the kind of figure that would be difficult to generate by a landlord operating on their own, even with a wealth of computer marketing skills or any kind of marketing skills behind him.

Selecting the right tenant for you

Screening the applicants is a job that’s every bit as important as agreeing the rental amount and how to pay it. If the tenant is the right one – i.e. someone who has a relatively long-term interest in the location and accommodation type of your property – they are naturally motivated to taking good care of your property and of the relationship with his/her landlord.

This vital function is, again, one that is at the fingertips of those who are in the business and who have built up a level of knowledge and expertise that only they can truly provide.

It’s very important that you’re very diligent with regard to checking references.

Powell using global view to maximum effect in growing sector

Powell Property on the South Mall in Cork city is a company involved in all aspects of the property market, from sales to lettings and property management.

This all-round experience, they say, means that they’re in a position to understand the overall dynamics of the market as well as anyone out there and understand what landlord tenants want from a management service, for example: “Traditionally, we noticed that a lot of landlords might have four or five rental properties,” says principal Michael Powell.

“They would have rents coming in on different days. They’d be trawling through bank statements to see what rental income they had, what their expenses were. We cut all that hassle out and we give them a full ledger report on any income and expenditure for the year, and of course our management fees are completely tax-deductible as well. So from the income tax point of view, it’s very beneficial as well for a landlord or an investor to employ an agent.

“We would also send out a renewal notice 31 days before the lease is due to expire,” says Michael, referring to an aspect of property management that not all agents might carry out quite as thoroughly.

This story appeared in the printed version of the Irish Examiner Saturday, August 18, 2012

How much does it cost to lodge rents to your bank

Bank charges may affect your revenue

Is your letting agency collecting monthly rental payments? Are you aware of what your bank charges on cash deposits are?

It is eating into your profit margins. Even if you are managing only 10 units with a rental of 1,000 per month per unit, it’s going to cost your agency a whopping €600 per year. Below is an infographic of what Irish banks are charging their business customers for dealing with cash.


So you want to streamline the rent collection service you are offering within your agency? Read this blog.

Stop this headache, administration nightmare and cost by moving your agency to Rentview.

Letting Agency Software

As always we would love to hear your feedback.

Please feel free to Tweet, Share, Like and everything else that makes us social 😉

by Andreas Riha

Cloud computing systems – the answer is in the cloud!

Cloud computing systems – benefits to agents

Included  below is a short video explaining what the term ‘cloud computing system’ means is and and how it can help your business. A great quote from the video which sums up the term cloud computing is below:

A simple and more efficient way of buying and using technology‘. I will comment below on how it can specifically help your agency.


So in short, the benefits include:

  • cutting out a lot of the work previously done in securing software systems for your business like the servers
  • backing up data
  • licences being paid up front and its limitations.

Through the use of an in-house cloud based system an agency can manage all its clients information in one easy to access location- from tenant references to landlord accounts and maintenance invoices you only need a wifi connection and your login! Great right?

Services are delivered via the internet whether its accounts software or a customer relationship management  system or an overall enterprise software package. A letting agent can also pick and choose to what suits them with most SAAS (software as a service) providers will only charge you for a package that suits you and on a monthly subscription basis.

The speed at which you can operate your day to day running of the agency will drastically increase as you begin to automate re-occurring services or move them to the cloud rather than hard data. That’s it in a nutshell, the ability to transform your agency!

by Rentview